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恒昌隆燕窩參茸行有限公司是香港一家參茸燕窩零售及批發之供應商,創辦已久,一貫奉行貨真價實,信譽第一的宗旨,經營參茸燕窩、冬蟲夏草、珍珠八寶、鮑參翅肚、高級海味,擁有完善的銷售網路,業務遍及中、港及海外許多國家及地區。恒昌隆特設中醫坐堂及以地道中藥配劑,於香港設立符合政府要求之廠房十萬級潔淨車間,   虔制《恒昌隆保健系列產品》, 包括<<燕窩蟲草養陰寶>><<追風活絡丸>><<千金養顏丸>><<仙方御龍丸>>而馳名海內外。該系列產品參照歷代御藥院方,以《勤求古訓、博釆衆方》的精神,經長期臨床研究精製而成。

恒昌隆一直得到各界的認同, 並獲得

-優質網店認證計劃之《優網店》Quality E-Shop 2018 , 2019 & 2020


Hang Cheong Loong Bird's Nest & Ginseng Ltd. is a Chinese medicine wholesaler and retailer. It has been set up more than four decades, and the practice on selling genuine products with a reasonable price has been built as a good custom, which wins a good reputation. The company provides great variety of health food, including cordyceps, ginseng, bird(swallow)'s nest, pearl, dried seafood. Meanwhile, we have a comprehensive selling network, which involves various Asian and foreign countries. In addition, we provide Chinese herbalist service for customers, and the "H.C.L. Health Care Product Series" is well-known also. All the series products are referred to the theories of the Chinese medical ancient books, which based on the Chinese custom rule: "Evaluate on the old principle, Gain from various sources", and they are manufactured through a long time clinical research.